Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What a flipping morning

This started last night with him screaming at me over a netflix envelope that was suppose to be on the dresser by the tv and it was not there. Of course it was not there while cleaning his room (which by the way was trashed and took me almost 3 hours to clean it) one of the kids had knocked  the stack of papers on the floor so any papers that was anything and not trash papers like flyers and such and broken cds and dvds on the floor, under his bed and under the crib and dropping the crib down which I had asked several times for him to do it and Lissa had asked several times for him to do it also.  I  had put them in the box by the tv. and in his fit he just dumped the box on the bed. Which I told him and that was where it was. He does not ever say sorry. You can be sure I will not yelled at and he will be broke of it. 

This morning did not start off that flipping great. I had a son in law screaming at me over his damn socks that he swore he washed and I found 3 of them out there and if that was not enough he went ballistic with me because the clothes that was hers that was in the laundry I put in a bag in the closet and moved her clothes that was hanging so that I could hang all the stuff that has to be hung in there. omg you would have thought I committed a sin.

Anyway he was told he would not scream and yell at me that way. I will not deal with it on top of keeping the house clean and everything done and taking care of 5 kids which 3 are special needs on a daily basis. I am with these children all day and most the nights as he works double shifts to make his hours so that we have mondays and thursdays for doctor appts and such. I do not get time away from them very much so I treasure my quite times in the afternoons.   I know he is stressed but my god so am I. I get a few hours away when I go to the drs as none of them get in a hurry and I am there for good bit. 

The one thing I have taken on me is that I have started to have my nails done again after a long time of not having them. I have worn them since 1992. It is something that makes me feel good and I need that. I take Caelyn with me and we make it a girly time as she is such a big help with everything I try to lighten the stuff she does because before I moved in she was the one taking care of the little ones and dealing with the fighting and seeing to mommy. I want her to be able to still be a girl and not have to have that responsibility on her. 

Today is laundry day here. Everyone but Susie is hanging clothes that have to hung and to there rooms. I am tired of it piling up as to this point it was all up to me to do. and by god they are going to learn to do there own laundry after it is washed. That is part of their responsibility along with keeping there rooms clean. 

Every afternoon I enforce a quiet time for 2 hours a day for me to recharge me as it is very difficult if I do not have that break. I work on handwork and listen to tv while doing it. The boys protest it quite strongly. I am trying to break them from running in every few minutes to see if it is over with yet. drives me crazy! So I am giving them a clock and setting a alarm that at that point they are allowed out of their room. The girls go to their room also. They are free to play, read or whatever but if they drag toys out they have to be put up before leaving the room. And my granddaughter is very good at hiding dirty clothes in her room so once week I have to go in there and pull them out and I give her a good scolding and since that is not working then she is going to be losing a privilege that she likes to do. i usually do not have trouble from her but the clothes issue is a major one here as with school starting they have been told their is going to be spotless by sunday nite because I was not going to kill myself with constantly  cleaning behind them. lets get real here never in my wildest imagination did I ever expect to be raising my 5 grandchildren. Let me tell you I walked in on kids with no rules and would not listen to anyone. within a week that got started on a change and it will stand. they have 2 pages of house rules on the wall and we go over them every week. we have a chore list of what has to be done every day for all of us, not assigned ones they know that if I tell them to do it they had better get busy and do it. As I sit here typing this I have La La snugled up with me. Most likely she will be taking an early nap. She got in trouble and some days she just does deal well with it. and her day started of on the wrong foot as Alex bit her on the arm. her day and mine are in the bucket.

I got to go, I have 2 fighting and it is going on lunch time here now so feeding the wild kids is a chore with some of them. 

See you on the flip side.