Thursday, August 18, 2011


 This Lorelei Renee, She is 3 yrs old and I call her my wild child because of her hair.

 Stan with his twin Steven and Susannah
 Lissa and I with the 3 older kids at easter 2007
 Stan and Lissa with the 3 oldest kids at easter 2007
This is from left to right, Alexander Ray 5yrs old, Lorelei Renee 3 yrs old, Stanley Ray 34 yrs old, Susannah Faith 19 months old, Caelyn Elise 9 yrs old, Gabriel Patrick, 7 yrs old.
 Alex in front yard

 Caelyn in front yard
The three girls by age. Caelyn, Lorelei, Susannah

This  is the photo memory that was used at the memorial service. This is my beautiful daughter at different times through the life of the kids and the one on her wedding day. 

 Caelyn playing her violin for us.
Caelyn practice singing Amazing Grace that she sang at the memorial service for her mother.


Anne said...

Thanks for photos. Caelyn is a lovely girl. I love you Becca!

Moppet said...

Thank you! All the kids are amazing in there own way. And Caelyn is so beautiful not only in looks but in her heart and actions and attitude towards her siblings and everyone in her path. I am so proud of them But really proud of her because she is dealing with alot with her mom passing away.